The little researcher spirit
By Mama Gänseblümchen
There was once a particularly curious and inquisitive light child who wanted to know and try out and understand and feel everything that existed in God’s eternal and infinite light worlds, which only consist of pure love. It wanted to know everything that God knew, but also to be able to feel what lightlessness, cold and pain mean, because in the wonderful worlds of light only pure bliss exists. The dear Heavenly Father saw the fervent wish of the little researcher and there was only one way to fulfill this wish. But it would be very dangerous because all things had to be split, into 2 halves, and the great forgetting would make it difficult to find the way back and it could take a very, very long time before a return would be possible. But the little researcher spirit was confident and full of trust and agreed to all the conditions and trusted in his own strength. However, the darkness was hard and dark and the great forgetting took place because one loses all trust due to the apparent separation from the dear Father in Heaven. So his little bright heart froze into bare ice and many of the bravest light children followed into the darkness to show the little research spirit the way back. But many, many children of light also got lost and could no longer find their way into the realm of light. And see, that’s us humans! You too are now one of the researcher spirits! So now the dear Heavenly Father had to come to Earth Himself to show His beloved children of light the way, by walking here Himself across our dear Mother Earth as Master Jesus, and through His death on the cross and His resurrection He brought us a little heavenly flame as a waymark for all of us.
All of us here, who are researchers now, have researched everything, dismantled everything into the smallest individual parts, but no longer know how to put them back together properly, like a small child can dismantle a mechanical watch and now know that at its core it’s all made up of little gears, but never being able to put them back together properly. The great clock master is God alone, who can bring us back the holy order, but we ourselves must follow, each one for himself, by following the shining footsteps of our beloved Master Jesus through love and trust in God until we are home again with our light families and our most beloved Heavenly Father Abba, who is Jesus, and all of us, too, because we are all one together; not a single particle, a spark of God, can be missing, because God is everything and so are we. So come everyone, humanity awaken and rise into the shining kingdom of God! You and me too!!!