What's your name?
By Mama Gänseblümchen
In the beginning, our most beloved Heavenly Father lifted us out of the huge, infinitely large ocean of light, which consists only of pure love, with his big, bright hands. He brought us into existence and gave each of us our very own name, which only exists once in all infinity! We are all children of light and we have played with joy and for long periods in eternity and enjoyed all the infinite wonders.
But one day some very curious children wanted to be able to feel what lightlessness means, because light cannot recognize itself in light. Then our dear Abba has found a way, with the help of the bravest soul, to create a space for us that appears dark inside. But the brave light child had to forget who he actually was and all the other curious children, too, and so we went on the journey into the darkness, which took a very, very long time. But now it is almost over and our dear Heavenly Father is now calling us home with our true very first names.
We have to remember this name again, then everything else will come back to us and we can recognize the whole long way we have walked, in a big circle, back home! We now know what the darkness feels like and it’s time to return home! Our dear Abba calls our names; just listen into your heart so that we can actually hear Him calling!
What’s your name? What’s my name?
Dear children from Telos!
There is space for your names here! Collect as many as you can! We are curious to know what you all might be called.
Do you know how many children?
Do you know how many children
rise each morning blithe and gay?
Can you count their jolly voices,
singing sweetly day by day?
God hears all the happy voices,
in their merry songs rejoices;
and He loves them, every one.
– 3rd verse from Do you know how many little stars there are?